Current Market Trends Driving Quality Concerns and Ways to Combat Them

Founded over 30 years ago, MPL has long been an established presence in the PCB industry. A contributor to company success has been our ability to stay up to date on current market trends. MPL prides itself on understanding the forces affecting production at our New York facility and our competitors' facilities alike.

A company that is thoroughly knowledgeable about the market is better positioned to serve customer needs. At MPL, we believe our duty as a leading PCB assembly company is not limited to finding solutions to potential problems related to market trends but also communicating that knowledge with our customers— effectively. Doing so allows our clients to make an informed decision about the company they ultimately choose to partner with for their manufacturing needs. MPL invites our customers and potential customers to read further and learn more about current market trends and possible quality issues affecting the industry:

Increased Variety

As the industrial markets we serve continue to expand and branch into new technologies, PCB assembly companies have encountered an increased demand for variety. As a result, smaller volume orders have become more common, and larger standard orders have decreased overall. Companies less equipped to handle these varied volume ranges may sacrifice quality assurance strategies in order to keep up with the additional labor hours incurred with high-mix production.

Our Solution

With four identical SMT lines, MPL can provide throughput power and flexibility that most other companies our size don't have. This allows us to provide service for a wide range of volume outputs, from full production runs to prototype runs consisting of a couple of pieces. Our responsiveness also plays an essential role in meeting needs for increased variety. By keeping the lines of communication open at all times, MPL is able to keep up with the larger number of scheduling changes that have become more prevalent in the industry. Our process allows us to develop true partnerships with our customers and maintain quality amidst fluctuating requirements.

Labor Shortages

While "doing more with less" can be a useful strategy for material shortages, this business angle is a recipe for disaster when applied to your labor pool. When a workforce is stretched too thin, the risk of faults making it through the PCB assembly process increases exponentially. Because of this, it is in customers' best interests to invest in a company with a robust workforce.

Our Solution

At MPL, our strategy to combat the current labor shortage is the same as it's always been— to provide our employees with a healthy work environment that encourages growth and self-improvement. The quality of how we treat our employees is evident in our retention rates. With an average current employee tenure of over 13 years, our unwavering dedication to quality has not been compromised by current market trends.

Supply Chain Trends

Even if you do not keep close tabs on current market-related news, you have likely heard about the supply chain difficulties that have plagued the industry over the past few years. From lack of materials to lack of specific PCB components, suppliers have found it challenging to keep up with demand. While some companies address this issue by partnering with less established suppliers that offer lower-quality materials, MPL employs a more strategic approach to ensure quality at all times.

Our Solution

The best solution MPL has found to combat this tricky market trend is to do more with less material. Our DFM capabilities allow our team to create flexible PCB assembly designs. DFM not only works to spot potential design flaws before a full production run, but it also can be used to spot areas where fewer or different materials can be used to produce the same effects. While this approach is more efficient with materials and components, MPL quickly assures customers that DFM never sacrifices quality to make these changes.

Additionally, MPL is well-positioned to face industry-wide supply chain shortages due to our wide range of supplier connections. With a large pool of partners that will help us obtain necessary materials, MPL mitigates the risk of not being able to locate materials for any individual project.

MPL: Equipped to Handle Changing Markets

The PCB and general electronic markets are constantly evolving, so MPL continually adapts to develop solutions that keep our customers happy. By finding the balance between cost-efficiency and quality, MPL remains a key player in the world of PCB assembly, regardless of challenging market conditions.
